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by suburom
Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:57 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

Hello Subrat,

I might suggest you visit post number 79 in this same thread. It has the lines that were missing in an earlier version of TPXO2ROMS. When I added those lines, it showed no error and generated my files successfully. Actually, the earlier version as far as I can recall didn't use the ...
by suburom
Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:50 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

Sorry for the late reply Mr. John and Cate. I was dealing with my examinations.

I took your suggestion, implemented it by changing the lines mentioned by Mr. John and again ran my file. Now it's working fine.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Kind regards

Hello Neel!

May I know what changes ...
by suburom
Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:00 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

Just a few little things to add to add to Neel's remarks.

If your model is a purely tidal model, there are not limits to when you start and finish, or how long the model goes for, but it will become a bit less accurate on a 18.6 year cycle called the nodal cycle. Particularly if the O1 component ...
by suburom
Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:01 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

First of all I thanks Neel,
For providing the details about the use of version 4 data sets. Right now I am looking into Dr. John Luick script for the extraction of tidal components.

Secondly I thanks Dr. Jon Luick for your well constructed matlab script,
I already received the ...
by suburom
Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:12 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

Thanks Neel !

Actually I had already gone through Austides website " " and downloaded the latest package of "TPXO2ROMS_v5pt3_script.m ". I am little bit doubt about the use of file in the script and also "TIDE_START" and "lengthSim=60" . If ...
by suburom
Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:44 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)
Replies: 110
Views: 3824935

Re: TPXO to ROMS EXPRESS (tide extraction software)

Hi John Luick,

It will be great, if you could suggest, what steps and/or scripts should I follow and/or use to generate tidal forcing data-sets using TPXO9-atlas-v4 netcdf bearing the following tidal components = "M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1, Mf, Mm " for my ROMS Grid.


Centre ...