Search found 11 matches

by bperfect
Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:55 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: excess mixing in k-epsilon GLS mixing; bug or misconfigured?
Replies: 8
Views: 13408

Re: excess mixing in k-epsilon GLS mixing; bug or misconfigu

Thanks for the great discussion, everyone. I have been attempting to quantify the turbulent dissipation for an application involving topographic wakes and I recently noticed that the suggested Kmin value for the GLS implementation of k-epsilon was resulting in extremely large background dissipation ...
by bperfect
Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:35 pm
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: Blowing-up when using GLS turbulence closure
Replies: 6
Views: 4562

Re: Blowing-up when using GLS turbulence closure

Kate, as far as I can tell, the default GLS settings come from JC Warner's implementation of K-epsilon (Warner, Sherwood, Arango, 2005). Have you ever used the "gen" set of parameters? (P=2,M=1,N=-0.67)
by bperfect
Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:21 am
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: Blowup debug
Replies: 0
Views: 2082

Blowup debug

Is there a resource out there that lists some common knobs to turn to try to prevent a model blowup?

The ones that are apparent to me are:

timestep/Courant number
boundary conditions
viscosity coefficients

Is there something else I am missing? I am running a 3D model with an idealized ...
by bperfect
Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:10 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Initialization file being read incorrectly
Replies: 1
Views: 2721

Initialization file being read incorrectly

Has anyone encountered this issue in the past?

I'm using a butchered version of pyroms to write my own grid and init files. Upon inspection, the netcdf files look like everything is in place, but when ROMS reads them in, it seems to skip some fields, most notably the zeta field. So instead of a ...
by bperfect
Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:54 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: Analytical grid generation with pyroms
Replies: 1
Views: 6167

Analytical grid generation with pyroms


I am using ROMS to do some modeling with an idealized domain. At the behest of a mentor, I have installed pyroms (which appears to be working fine) in order to overcome some of the limitations of the ana_* files. My question is, how would I use pyroms to generate a full set of netCDF files ...
by bperfect
Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:41 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in ana_initial
Replies: 0
Views: 9917

Typo in ana_initial

In attempting to run the channel test case, I discovered an extraneous close paren that prevents the channel test case from compiling properly. The offending paren is located in

Functionals/ana_initial, line 300, col 29.

Not sure if this is the right place for this; if not, just let me know.
by bperfect
Wed May 25, 2016 8:39 pm
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: Uniform stratified flow
Replies: 0
Views: 7014

Uniform stratified flow

My ultimate goal is to model topography in a tidally oscillating flow. For right now, I'm trying to start with something very simple and slowly build up my model.

I started with the seamount example problem domain and added a West to East mean flow of 1 m/s using ana_m2obc and ana_m3obc, both ...
by bperfect
Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:59 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Seamount modifications
Replies: 3
Views: 5017

Re: Seamount modifications

Thanks! For whatever reason I only just saw this post now. I managed to independently find the manual, but it wasn't trivial. I decided that the best thing was to just sit down and read it. It's been an incredible resource. Is there a way of having that somewhere really obvious on the wiki, or even ...
by bperfect
Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:26 pm
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Seamount modifications
Replies: 3
Views: 5017

Seamount modifications


My goal here is to modify the seamount test case to have a mean flow going through the domain (i.e., to resolve the seamount wake). I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this. My research into similar issues leads me to believe that this is actually a much more complicated procedure than I ...
by bperfect
Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:25 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Test case compile
Replies: 3
Views: 4654

Re: Test case compile


I have the netcdf fortran library installed as well (perhaps something is configured incorrectly?)

bperfect@fourier:Downloads $ nf-config --all

This netCDF-Fortran 4.4.3 has been built with the following features:

--cc -> gcc
--cflags -> -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include ...
by bperfect
Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:39 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Test case compile
Replies: 3
Views: 4654

Test case compile

I'm trying to run one of the template cases, and I'm running into what seems to be a classic library linking error:

/usr/bin/gfortran -frepack-arrays -O3 -ffast-math
/home/bperfect/roms/roms_templates/seamount/Build/libANA.a /home/bperfect/roms/roms_templates/seamount/Build/libUTIL.a /home ...