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by elbio
Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:12 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Problems reading climatological files
Replies: 9
Views: 6755

Re: Problems reading climatological files

Hi Kate:

You were right. After adding the time attributes to
the variables in the CLM file the problem was solved.

Thanks for your advice.

Best regards,

by elbio
Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:06 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Problems reading climatological files
Replies: 9
Views: 6755

Re: Problems reading climatological files

Hi Kate: I think that I do not understand the comment. I have checked the climatological file and all time attributes are well defined. Variables v3d_time, tclm_time, etc have the same names and attributes as in varinfo.dat. Do you mean that something could be missing in the climatological file?. It ...
by elbio
Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:23 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Problems reading climatological files
Replies: 9
Views: 6755

Re: Problems reading climatological files


Thanks for your answer. Yes, I have checked the varinfo.dat
file. They have the same names.


by elbio
Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:58 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Problems reading climatological files
Replies: 9
Views: 6755

Problems reading climatological files

Hi: I am having problems reading the climatological files (generated with Roms_tools) using ROMS' version svn: $Id: Version 537. After compiling with options #define ZCLIMATOLOGY #define M2CLIMATOLOGY #define M3CLIMATOLOGY #define TCLIMATOLOGY #define ZCLM_NUDGING #define M2CLM_NUDGING #define M3CLM ...
by elbio
Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:08 pm
Forum: User Applications
Topic: LTRANS under pgf90
Replies: 0
Views: 10477

LTRANS under pgf90

Hi Elizabeth: I am trying to set-up the LTRANS package using the Linux pgf90 compiler. The program compilation have been successful but with several warnings in subroutine settlement_module.f90: $ bash Compiling Modules: Gridcell Interpolation Parameter Point_in_Polygon ...
by elbio
Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:51 pm
Forum: ROMS Ice
Topic: Sea Ice Module
Replies: 4
Views: 11747

Sea Ice Module

Hi everyone:

I would like to test the Sea-Ice module in a regional model configuration
of the SW Atlantic and Weddell Sea area. How could I access to the
sea-ice module?.

Thanks for your help,

by elbio
Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:18 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS 3.0 DIAGNOSTICS_UV option
Replies: 7
Views: 4578

Hi John:

The funny thing is that the Logical Switch for wave length was not
even defined in my *.in file. After defining the logical switch,

Code: Select all

Hout(idWlen) == F
the problem with the diagnostic option was solved. It seems
strange, but it works.

Thanks very much for your help.
by elbio
Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:44 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS 3.0 DIAGNOSTICS_UV option
Replies: 7
Views: 4578

I cannot see the problem:

line 1250 reads:

Code: Select all

         IF (Hout(idWlen,ng)) WRITE (out,170) Hout(idWlen,ng),         &
     &       'Hout(idWlen)',
parameter idWlen is related to wind-induced wave length. I cannot see the relationship with option DIAGNOSTICS_UV.
by elbio
Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:05 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS 3.0 DIAGNOSTICS_UV option
Replies: 7
Views: 4578

Thanks for your reply. The problem dissapears if option DIAGNOSTICS_UV is not defined. I've tried compiling with the debugging option and DIAGNOSTICS_UV turned on and I've got: T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface. T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component. T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V ...
by elbio
Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:39 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS 3.0 DIAGNOSTICS_UV option
Replies: 7
Views: 4578


Hi everybody, I am working with ROMS3.0 under Red-Hat Linux and PGI Fortran. So far I’ve been able to run the pre-defined model applications and several regional simulations. I found the first problem when using option DIAGNOSTICS_UV. This option works fine with the pre-defined applications (set-up m ...