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by marceloandrioni
Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:43 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: netCDF browser for remote work
Replies: 7
Views: 11595

Re: netCDF browser for remote work

A group at the University of Reading UK developed a WMS (Web Map Server) specially customized to deal with NetCDF files called ncWMS (
A live example can be seen here:

The people at ...
by marceloandrioni
Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:07 am
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: netCDF browser for remote work
Replies: 7
Views: 11595

Re: netCDF browser for remote work

Unidata solution for this problem is to install a THREDDS Data Server (TDS) in the remote machine where the model results are stored. The TDS makes it easy to extract a time-series for a single location or vertical section, horizontal section, etc, without having to download the whole dataset. The ...
by marceloandrioni
Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:10 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: typo in cppdefs.h
Replies: 2
Views: 3972

I downloaded the code one month ago and my version didn't have the typo (I checked whith grep). Are you sure someone else didn't change your cppdefs.h?
by marceloandrioni
Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:56 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: make_grid
Replies: 2
Views: 3590

Hi, subs is the name of a variable in the program, but is also the name of a matlab function.
"which subs" will tell you if you have the subs function and in which directory it is. If you do, try removing that directory from your matlab path.